Falling Apart

Behind the Mask [Bangtan]
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Mallory had just hung up the phone from calling J-Hope and telling him she was on her way as she walked out of the flower shop, when a silver Bentley pulled up in front of the shop, and the unmistakable head of Claude Vandam appeared over the top of the vehicle.

He was on the other side of the vehicle in a flash, his eyes wide with fury. “Get in,” He hissed, as he opened the car door. Mallory took a step back, towards the shop, but Claude shot forward, grabbing her arm and tossing her at the car. She slammed into the side of the door, and let out a small shriek as Claude her into the car, slamming the door and locking the automatic locks once she was inside.

She tried to pull up the lock but it had shrunk down, disappearing into the actual door. Claude walked around the car, unlocking his door with his keys. Mallory slid her phone from her pocket into her hand and dialed the first number in her call log before Claude could open the door and climb in. “You better feel proud of yourself. It took me an hour to track you down.”

“How did you find me?” Mallory asked, shrinking against the door of the car, afraid of what might happen to her now.

Claude let out a laugh as he started the car. “You don’t secure your technology well enough. I checked the last place the paid on a credit card for. Lucky for me, it was this stupid little shop,” He pulled away from the shop and sped off, at a speed that made Mallory very uncomfortable. “While you were waiting for them to wrap that pretty little ribbon around those flowers, I high tailed over here to get you.”

“For what?” Mallory spat, trying her hardest to be the farthest away from him that she could be. “Why did you come find me?”

He looked over at her. “We’re going to the Woo residence, and I’m going to buy your contract from them. I will own you, Mallory. I told you before, that I would have you at my side.” He said, turning back towards the road.

“And what if they won’t give you the contract?”

He laughed again. “I doubt they’ll keep you, you’re practically garbage to them, but if they should fight me on the contract,” He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small pistol. “I’ve come prepared.”

Now it was Mallory’s turn to laugh. “You’re going to shoot someone? Just so I’ll be one of your models?”

Claude made a face. “I think you underestimate the beauty of your face, my dear. Those eyes will get me millions.” He said, slamming his foot on the gas pedal. Mallory looked down at her phone. He hadn’t picked up, just like he hadn’t picked up when she’d called him earlier, but that didn’t matter. His voicemail would pick everything up.

Mallory placed the flowers on the dashboard and knocked her phone onto the floor of the car. “Stop the car Claude.” He sped up. “I said stop the car!” She hissed, leaping towards him.

Before he could fend her off, she clawed his face plenty, leaving dozens of small, thin red lines on his cheeks and his forehead. One of his eyes were closed as he shouted in pain and knocked Mallory away from him. She’d clearly wounded him, as she’d meant to. In the rearview mirror, she could see blue and red flashes. So did Claude. “You called the police?” He seethed.

“No, but I’m sure one of the many witnesses might have, you idiot!” She hissed, punching his jaw hard. “Fou putain bâtard!” She hissed, and as Claude reacted to the hit, the car veered to the side, into the other lane.

Mallory gasped and leapt forward, trying to right the wheel, but Claude had turned and taken aim. He pulled the trigger. Mallory gasped, pulling away from the wheel, but it didn’t matter. Even if she had righted the car, they would have crashed.

The Bentley collided with one of the metal railings on the side of the road, flipping the car over the railing and down the side of a hill. Mallory shot through windshield and lay in a crumpled heap in front of the trashed car.


When Zhen had opened her eyes, she saw the face of a familiar girl bent over her, cooing to her in a language Zhen knew all too well. Zhen let out a cry and latched onto the girl, shaking her head. MinHee shushed her and held her against herself, gesturing for the others to take a step back, to stay away from them.

“It’s okay Zhen, it’s alright,” MinHee cooed. “It’s just a party.”

“I can’t celebrate their death, MinHee!” Zhen cried.

Cho Hee stared at the two worriedly. “What is she saying?” She asked. MinHee had been speaking to Zhen in Mandarin, which had been her first language, because MinHee knew that when Zhen was as stressed as she was, she always reverted to her first language, which would explain why none of the others understood.

As she asked this, the door opened and in walked Jun Hyun and another boy walked in, cutting off MinHee’s explanation. “We’re here! The party can really begin now!” Jun Hyun bellowed, before seeing the grim look on everyone’s faces. “What’s the-” His eyes landed on Zhen. “Oh no, Ai.”

The boy who had been standing beside Jun Hyun shot into action, leaping forward towards Zhen. “Ha-Neul,” MinHee said, offering a small, almost pained smile as Ha-Neul sat across from her. He took MinHee’s hand for a moment, giving her a small smile, before turning his attention to MinHee. “You know what today is,”

Ha-Neul let out a laugh. “Of course I do. After all, she was at my house when it happened.”

Zhen, who was still clutching onto MinHee, turned and noticed Ha-Neul, and gasped loudly. “Nana? Nana! What are you doing here?” She asked, throwing herself at him.

“What’s going on?” Jungkook asked. 

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BTM || nothing. but updating and wanting my vacation soon


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Chapter 4: Mallory my girl just hiding your appearance won't hide your identity. You gotta hide your distinctive personality also
For real though third chapter and they have already been found out smh
yurinature #2
Chapter 75: In the end what gift was Ai talking about?
Ilovekpop1437 #3
I love your story so much! I've been reading this story ever since this morning. It's hard finding a lot of good BTS's stories. This story is just amazing. I just love it. I usually don't like to read stories with a tons of chapters but I actually read all of this. I was wondering, did you ever make a sequel or anything to this towards the end? I couldn't find anything. Anyways I would love to read your other stories! Loves, xoxo (:
TalosBlade #4
Chapter 76: I cried. I cried a lot. Happy tears though
Chapter 22: i really love your story omg im so glad i found your story authornim /hugs you tightly/
teentopbapshineefx #6
Chapter 2: Hi I just want you to know that I'm going to talk to you tomorow and Je vais vous parler demain is not really the same thing in this concept she's talking to her brother so using vous is way too formal. It wil be better if you say Je vais te parler demain or on se parle demain. And you can't really use adieu either cause it's like a final goodbye like you are never gonna talk to them. Since she's french from France I think saying au revoir is more appropriate. So yeah... I just want to friendly inform you :) oh and google translation is rarelly right when it's for english to french !! :)
Chapter 74: Sigh.....I hopw she isn't pregnant
Chapter 73: OMG! She's gonna get pregnant!
Chapter 72: Getting feisty aren't we:)